Thursday, May 6, 2010

Spirtual Realm

The Natural Truth of the Spiritual Realm is interesting for several reasons. First, I am a seeker of the truth. I am really interested in the Spiritual Realm. As an adult, I have encountered many spiritual forms. Most of the spirits that I have encountered have been trapped between earth and their next destination. These spirits are pensive and sad. When I encounter these spirits, I assisted them on moving on. The other type of spirits that I have encountered are spirits that trying to escape their host. These spirits for the most part are very angry and diseased. In this case, I pray for the host and give them scriptures to read, so the spirits are released. In some cases, I have actually been able to ask some questions to spirits, but on each occasion I had to promise not to reveal the experience to anyone else.

I agree with Master Ni that spirits help to protect us from evil Qi. I’ve came close to death many times, but it was that little voice deep inside of me that saved my life. I believe that the voice is my accessory spirit and protector. I describe my spiritual guide as my back bone. I am so grateful for my guide. My guide is the voice of wisdom. I would truly be loss with out a spiritual guide. My guide is my ears and eyes. Yesterday, I was talking to my husband about my spiritual guide. To my surprise, Howard, my husband, also has a guide. Howard also has healing hands. I believe that my husband is capable of true spiritual connection because he has a family history of spiritualist.

Anyhow, I find Master Ni’s assessment of western students interesting. I believe that under the right conditions one can become fully cultivated. The area that I grew up in just had the right polarization and spiritual vertexes that most of the people from my town are successful and has a strong spiritual constitution. I hope that I am misinterpreting Master Ni. I believe that any student of whatever should listen carefully and seek truth. Truth has a different definition depending on where it is coming from. I believe that we are very special creature that is capable of all things that are possible. Recently, I am determined not to be judgmental. I just believe that each of us has special gifts, but the universe will reveal our special keys if we cultivate and lead a life that of being hope to others.

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