Sunday, May 9, 2010

Chapter 20: Internal causes of disease, Maciocia-Questions and Answers

  • What effect does anger have on Qi?
Anger makes Qi rise.
  • Which emotion makes Qi descend?
Fear makes Qi descend.
  • . Why is a red tongue tip often present in patients with emotional problems related to other organs?
All emotions affect the Heart, which, due to its function of housing the Mind and consciousness, is the only organ that can recognize and feel emotional stress. Emotions from other internal organs can therefore indirectly cause Heart-Heat, which causes a red tongue tip.
  • Explain the saying ‘The five emotions can turn into Fire.’
The emotions cause stagnation of Qi. When Qi is ‘compressed’ for any length of time, it will lead to Heat and then Fire.
  • Give three symptoms that might result from anger causing Qi to rise.
Any of the following: headache, dizziness, tinnitus, stiff neck, blotches on the neck, and a red face.
  • Give three symptoms that might manifest from overexcitement adversely affecting the Heart.
Any of the following: palpitations, insomnia, restlessness, talking a lot, and a red tongue tip.
  • Complete the following: ‘Sadness _______ Qi and affects the _______ and the _______.’
‘Sadness dissolves Qi and affects the Heart and the Lungs.’
  • A patient who worries excessively also complains of poor appetite, abdominal distension and tiredness. What effect has their worrying had on their Qi and Internal Organs?
Their worrying has knotted their Qi, primarily affecting the Spleen.
  • How might fear and chronic anxiety lead to symptoms such as palpitations, insomnia, night sweats and a dry mouth in an elderly patient?
Fear depletes Kidney-Yin, which leads to Empty-Heat in the Heart, resulting in symptoms of palpitations, insomnia, etc.
  • How might shock manifest on the pulse?
Shock is reflected in the ‘Moving’ pulse: Short, rapid, slippery, shaped like a bean, and seeming to vibrate as it pulses.

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