Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Natural Truth

In the ninth chapter, The Natural Truth of the Spiritual Realm, has broadened, awakened and renewed my sensitivity to the spiritual realm. Hua-Ching Ni carefully outlines the nature of the spiritual realm. Ni explains that spirits are inferior to human beings. Spirits can help or harm us depending on how virtually we live our lives. Spirits can take on many physical forms. Instability, disharmony and illnesses are forms of spiritual intrusions. For the most part, I agree with Ni’s interpretation of the spiritual realm, but I would add that spirits are able to attach to us because of bloodline curses. Thus, we must cultivate and purify in order to clear any pass regressions. When we are cultivating, we are renewing our sensitivity to nature and directing the future of our off springs. We are opening up our being unto the nine levels of higher spirit consciousness.

I grow up in a small southern farm town. Smell of pine trees, farm animals and sounds of the crickets were all so common. At night, there were no street lights, and it would be so dark that you would seek the unknown and unseen or feel the unexpected or unexplained. I loved looking into the darkness of the night hoping that I would be blessed by seeing a spirit.

As a child, I never actually saw any spirits, but I often feel them brush pass me or touch my face, but one day at elementary school I saw an little girl out of the corner of my eye. My elementary school had lots of spiritual activity because it was built on an Indian Burial Ground. I often heard drumming. I was never afraid of spirit, but I was afraid of the dead until one day I actually touched a dead person. Then, I was blessed and was able to hear and communicate with spirits.

I also learned about spirits from another child, Ant. I was totally in love with his spirit. He taught me how to sing like birds. We put our hands together and blow out these high pitch tweety sounds, and all the birds would come by to listen. Then we would listen to what they had to say. We spent a lot of time just looking into the sky and imagining being a bird and flying away. One day, I went to find Ant, but he had taken on a sickness and died within a few days. Sadden, I went to our favorite place under the big oak tree, and the wind gusted strongly, and then I felt a gentle breeze on my face at that very moment I know that Ant was kissing me good bye. I was only eight years old. I know that day that spirits are real, and since that day, I have been able to tap into the spiritual realm.

We are the ashes of our ancestors. It is written that nothing is new under the sun. We are like rays from the sun. Each of us has our angle. We all have special powers. We deserve all the goodness of the universe if we have a character of virtue. As we give, so we shall receive. I believe that we originate from our ancestors’ spirits, and if we continue to cultivate, we ascend and return to spirit. It is ironic that Ni inserts that spirits like to fly on birds’ wings and that my friend Ant had such affection for birds. Birds are magically creatures. I still listen to what they have to say each day. I bless nature and the universe, and I am thankful for all the goodness of the universe.

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