Sunday, May 9, 2010

Chapter 21: External causes of disease, Maciocia's Questions & Answers

  • If a person’s Defensive Qi is strong, how might they become ill through climatic causes?
If the weather were particularly excessive, even a person with strong Defensive Qi would be relatively weaker, and an external invasion may occur. This may also happen if the weather changed rapidly.

  • Which organ and season are associated with the climatic factor of Dryness?
The Lungs and autumn.
  • List the Four Levels as formulated by Ye Tian Shi. Which of these levels are classed as being on the Exterior, and which are on the Interior?
The Four Levels are Defensive Qi (Wei), Qi, Nutritive Qi (Ying) and Blood (Xue). The Defensive-Qi level is on the Exterior; the rest are on the Interior.
  • A person with a tendency to Heat gets caught in the wind and rain in the middle of winter. What pattern are they likely to manifest?
Because they have a tendency to Heat, the invading Wind is likely to combine with this to manifest a pattern of Wind-Heat, despite it being the middle of winter.
  • How are Wind-Cold and Wind-Heat said to enter the body?
Wind-Cold is said to penetrate via the skin and Wind-Heat via the nose and mouth.
  • How would you distinguish whether a patient who was averse to cold was presenting with an exterior pattern of Wind-Cold or Yang deficiency?
Aversion to cold from an exterior invasion arises suddenly and is not relieved by covering oneself. The cold feeling from Yang deficiency is chronic and is relieved by covering oneself.
  • How would you tell if a patient was manifesting ‘fever’, or ‘fa re’?
By palpating the patient’s forehead and back of hands, which would feel hot to the touch.
  • Give three symptoms of Wind invading the space between the skin and muscles and the Lung’s Defensive-Qi portion.
Three of the following: aversion to cold, fever, sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, occipital stiffness, and Floating pulse.
  • Give three examples of exterior Cold directly penetrating the body without causing an exterior pattern.
Cold invading the Stomach, Cold invading the Intestines, Cold invading the Uterus.

Chapter 20: Internal causes of disease, Maciocia-Questions and Answers

  • What effect does anger have on Qi?
Anger makes Qi rise.
  • Which emotion makes Qi descend?
Fear makes Qi descend.
  • . Why is a red tongue tip often present in patients with emotional problems related to other organs?
All emotions affect the Heart, which, due to its function of housing the Mind and consciousness, is the only organ that can recognize and feel emotional stress. Emotions from other internal organs can therefore indirectly cause Heart-Heat, which causes a red tongue tip.
  • Explain the saying ‘The five emotions can turn into Fire.’
The emotions cause stagnation of Qi. When Qi is ‘compressed’ for any length of time, it will lead to Heat and then Fire.
  • Give three symptoms that might result from anger causing Qi to rise.
Any of the following: headache, dizziness, tinnitus, stiff neck, blotches on the neck, and a red face.
  • Give three symptoms that might manifest from overexcitement adversely affecting the Heart.
Any of the following: palpitations, insomnia, restlessness, talking a lot, and a red tongue tip.
  • Complete the following: ‘Sadness _______ Qi and affects the _______ and the _______.’
‘Sadness dissolves Qi and affects the Heart and the Lungs.’
  • A patient who worries excessively also complains of poor appetite, abdominal distension and tiredness. What effect has their worrying had on their Qi and Internal Organs?
Their worrying has knotted their Qi, primarily affecting the Spleen.
  • How might fear and chronic anxiety lead to symptoms such as palpitations, insomnia, night sweats and a dry mouth in an elderly patient?
Fear depletes Kidney-Yin, which leads to Empty-Heat in the Heart, resulting in symptoms of palpitations, insomnia, etc.
  • How might shock manifest on the pulse?
Shock is reflected in the ‘Moving’ pulse: Short, rapid, slippery, shaped like a bean, and seeming to vibrate as it pulses.

According to Chapter 43: Identification of patterns according to pathogenic factors, Marcocia

  • Why do people feel cold from external wind?
People feel chilly when they suffer an invasion of external wind because external wind obstructs the circulation of Defensive Qi in the space between the skin and the muscles. Defensive Qi is then unable to warm the muscles.

  • Why  is there no sweating in an invasion of wind cold?
There is no sweating in an invasion of wind-cold because cold contracts the skin pores.
  •  What symptoms are caused by external Wind invading the Connecting channels of the face?
The one symptom will be present is numbness 9rather than the paralysis caused by invasion of the main channels of the face).

  • Which organ disharmonies commonly cause Wind in the skin?
Liver-Fire or Liver-Blood deficiency.

  • The Yang of which organs are usually the first to be affected by Cold?
Spleen and Kidney are usually first to be affected by cold.

  • How would you know whether a painful joint was caused by Cold?
The pain would be intense, often in a single joint, would be aggravated by exposure to cold and alleviated by heat and may feel cold on palpation.
  • Summer-Heat differs from the other pathogenic factors in which two ways?
It is specific to its season – summer – and can only be an external pathogenic factor.
  • Complete the following: ‘Summer-Heat includes manifestations of external ____, ________ and interior ____.’
 ‘Summer-Heat includes manifestations of external Wind, Dampness and interior Heat.’

  • Why is Dampness described as being ‘dirty’?
Because it causes dirty discharges, such as cloudy urine, vaginal discharges or skin diseases characterized by dirty, oozing fluids.

  • What eye symptoms are often caused by Dampness?
Red swollen eyelids, eyes oozing fluid, styes.
  • What is the most characteristic symptom caused by Dampness obstructing the Liver or Gall Bladder?
Hypochondrial fullness, distension and pain.
  • Which organs can be directly invaded by external Dampness?
The Bladder, Intestines, Stomach, Uterus and Gall Bladder.
  • What symptoms are typically caused by chronic Dampness in the skin?
Vesicles, papules, skin lesions oozing fluid, and puffiness of the skin.
  • Which two organs are affected by tobacco smoking, and how does it affect them?
Lung and Kidney are affected by tobacco smoking because it dries the Yin of these organs.
  • Give three characteristics that illustrate the nature of Fire.

Bonus Review Questions and Answers:
  • What two substance do the Heart and Lung govern. What is the essential relationship between the Heart and Lung?
Any three of the following: Fire rises to the head, it dries fluids, it injures Blood and Yin, it causes bleeding and affects the Mind.
  • What is the relationship between the heart and lungs? Review Question
The Heart governs Blood and the Lungs govern Qi; the relationship between the Heart and Lung is essentially the relationship between Qi and Blood.


Du Huo---Angelica...

Du Huo (DO YUOW) Angelica----Angelicae Pubescentis Radix----- Du Huo is used to treat many different types of conditions. We are studying its effect on dispeling wind -cold- damp. This condition would occur when we see the first onset of illness such fever, chills, headache, and joint pain. Du Huo releases exterior for wind cold damp conditions (similar to Qiang Huo). Du Huo is a very important Bi pain herb used in the famous formula Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang. It moves qi and blood stagnating in the channels. Qiang Huo travels upward to the neck and shoulders, while Du Huo travels downward to the low back and legs and also treats toothaches.

I would describe angelica root as being dry and hard. The smell is damp or moist, loud woody male tone. The color can range from yellowish brown to pale yellowish brown. It is easily attacked by bugs, so freeeze for 2 days upon arrival. Its texture is woody with moving dark shades ridging along the slighty ruff surface and darker barky outline. Du Huo has a purgent smell and a bitter taste.

Properties: BITTER, PUNGENT - (WARM-not included in class notes) Dosage: 3 – 9g.

Angelica Meridian:KIDNEY, BLADDER Root -dispel wind-cold-damp, relieve pain, release exterior, allevates chronic or acute Bi pain in low back or legs

Release exterior for wind cold damp conditions (similar to Qiang Huo) fever, chills, headache, and joint pain. A very important Bi pain herb used in the famous formula Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang ( Moves qi and blood stagnating in channels.

Affects the lower part of body:

-lesser Yin head ache and tooth ache (use topical application 15-30 g)

Possible tranquilizing and hypnotic effect

-itchy skin due to wind - damp

Contra indications: *Do not use for excess or deficient heat syndromes (yin deficiency with heat).

Also Used For:

Orally, Du Huo / Angelica root is used for loss of appetite, gastrointestinal spasms, feeling of fullness, and flatulence.

Topically, Du Huo / Angelica root is used to create warmth in neuralgia and rheumatism, and is used for skin disorders. It is also used as part of a multi-ingredient preparation for treating premature ejaculation.

Historically, Du Huo / Angelica root has been used to promote menstrual flow, as an abortifacient, antiseptic, expectorant, diuretic, and as a cure for the plague.

Du Huo and Qiang Huo are often compared because they have similar actions, but Du Huo travels downward to the low back and legs, and Qiang Huo travels upward to the neck and shoulders.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Spirtual Realm

The Natural Truth of the Spiritual Realm is interesting for several reasons. First, I am a seeker of the truth. I am really interested in the Spiritual Realm. As an adult, I have encountered many spiritual forms. Most of the spirits that I have encountered have been trapped between earth and their next destination. These spirits are pensive and sad. When I encounter these spirits, I assisted them on moving on. The other type of spirits that I have encountered are spirits that trying to escape their host. These spirits for the most part are very angry and diseased. In this case, I pray for the host and give them scriptures to read, so the spirits are released. In some cases, I have actually been able to ask some questions to spirits, but on each occasion I had to promise not to reveal the experience to anyone else.

I agree with Master Ni that spirits help to protect us from evil Qi. I’ve came close to death many times, but it was that little voice deep inside of me that saved my life. I believe that the voice is my accessory spirit and protector. I describe my spiritual guide as my back bone. I am so grateful for my guide. My guide is the voice of wisdom. I would truly be loss with out a spiritual guide. My guide is my ears and eyes. Yesterday, I was talking to my husband about my spiritual guide. To my surprise, Howard, my husband, also has a guide. Howard also has healing hands. I believe that my husband is capable of true spiritual connection because he has a family history of spiritualist.

Anyhow, I find Master Ni’s assessment of western students interesting. I believe that under the right conditions one can become fully cultivated. The area that I grew up in just had the right polarization and spiritual vertexes that most of the people from my town are successful and has a strong spiritual constitution. I hope that I am misinterpreting Master Ni. I believe that any student of whatever should listen carefully and seek truth. Truth has a different definition depending on where it is coming from. I believe that we are very special creature that is capable of all things that are possible. Recently, I am determined not to be judgmental. I just believe that each of us has special gifts, but the universe will reveal our special keys if we cultivate and lead a life that of being hope to others.

The Natural Truth

In the ninth chapter, The Natural Truth of the Spiritual Realm, has broadened, awakened and renewed my sensitivity to the spiritual realm. Hua-Ching Ni carefully outlines the nature of the spiritual realm. Ni explains that spirits are inferior to human beings. Spirits can help or harm us depending on how virtually we live our lives. Spirits can take on many physical forms. Instability, disharmony and illnesses are forms of spiritual intrusions. For the most part, I agree with Ni’s interpretation of the spiritual realm, but I would add that spirits are able to attach to us because of bloodline curses. Thus, we must cultivate and purify in order to clear any pass regressions. When we are cultivating, we are renewing our sensitivity to nature and directing the future of our off springs. We are opening up our being unto the nine levels of higher spirit consciousness.

I grow up in a small southern farm town. Smell of pine trees, farm animals and sounds of the crickets were all so common. At night, there were no street lights, and it would be so dark that you would seek the unknown and unseen or feel the unexpected or unexplained. I loved looking into the darkness of the night hoping that I would be blessed by seeing a spirit.

As a child, I never actually saw any spirits, but I often feel them brush pass me or touch my face, but one day at elementary school I saw an little girl out of the corner of my eye. My elementary school had lots of spiritual activity because it was built on an Indian Burial Ground. I often heard drumming. I was never afraid of spirit, but I was afraid of the dead until one day I actually touched a dead person. Then, I was blessed and was able to hear and communicate with spirits.

I also learned about spirits from another child, Ant. I was totally in love with his spirit. He taught me how to sing like birds. We put our hands together and blow out these high pitch tweety sounds, and all the birds would come by to listen. Then we would listen to what they had to say. We spent a lot of time just looking into the sky and imagining being a bird and flying away. One day, I went to find Ant, but he had taken on a sickness and died within a few days. Sadden, I went to our favorite place under the big oak tree, and the wind gusted strongly, and then I felt a gentle breeze on my face at that very moment I know that Ant was kissing me good bye. I was only eight years old. I know that day that spirits are real, and since that day, I have been able to tap into the spiritual realm.

We are the ashes of our ancestors. It is written that nothing is new under the sun. We are like rays from the sun. Each of us has our angle. We all have special powers. We deserve all the goodness of the universe if we have a character of virtue. As we give, so we shall receive. I believe that we originate from our ancestors’ spirits, and if we continue to cultivate, we ascend and return to spirit. It is ironic that Ni inserts that spirits like to fly on birds’ wings and that my friend Ant had such affection for birds. Birds are magically creatures. I still listen to what they have to say each day. I bless nature and the universe, and I am thankful for all the goodness of the universe.

My Taoism

Taoism has been my way of life for a long time although I did not know that the road that I had chosen was the Tao. Every single word in Chapter 1 felt so familiar, a kin to wisdom from long ago. I personally believe that energy is the subtle essence of all things. I believe that if you send good vibration into the universe, it will send good vibrations back to you. This energy is not tangible, but it is intangible. It is Chi or life force that all living things need to survive.

Yin and yang symbolizes opposing forces that come together to create something tangible. It all depends on the life cycle of the things. Tao is a philosophy and an integral way of life where one becomes the creator of his destiny. One’s destiny depends on how well he cultivates his life energy or Chi.

Moreover, yin and yang also symbolize energy evolution and polarization. Yin and yang are the subtle essence of life, the inter-play between opposing forces. For instance, yin represents weak forces while yang represents a strong force. Nothing would exist without these two opposing forces working as the creator of circumstances. Thus, we are the reflection of the universe and verse versa. This very interplay of opposite creates something tangible… Tai Chi is the form of the tangible thing. Chi must be cultivated by means of Chi movements.

Subtle Essence of All Creations

According to Hua Ni's essay the Subtle Essence of All Creations, there lies a profound explanation of human and universal existence and connection where each of us houses our own universe. I found interesting symbols and symbolic language that seem to be kin to philosophical truths from long ago. I learned that our life force must be developed and cultivated. I learned that Tao is not a religion, but a philosophy and an integral way of life where one becomes the creator of his destiny, but one’s destiny depends on how well he cultivates his life energy or Chi.

Another interesting fact that I learned was that yin and yang symbolize energy evolution and polarization. Yin and Yang is the subtle essence, the inter-play between opposing forces. For instance, yin represents weak forces while yang represents a strong force. Thus, we are the reflection of the universe and verse versa. Our energy manifests itself as earth (neutral), water (strong yang), fire (weak yin), wood (young yang), or metal (young yang). Earth neutralizes the other four elements; water opposes fire; metal opposes wood. This very interplay of opposite creates something, tangible…

Moreover, I learned that humanity mirrors nature. We are going through continuous changes. Each of us goes through the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and fall. We spring forward; we shine bright; autumn we harvest, and fall we fall. We goes through the seasons from spring, summer, autumn and fall.

Thus, humans are capable of balancing their yin and yang energies by cultivating their Chi. One cultivate Chi by cultivating their mind and body. In addition, the five phrase of energy explains the complex universal interrelations and applies to reestablish disturbed energy arrangements and avoid conflicting situations. These forces must go through an evolutionary process of five stages that represent earth, fire, water, wood, and metal. It appears that this process takes seven cycles of change and recycling.

What is the current state of my Qi?

I believe that my mental Qi is transforming at a study and persistent rate. In the morning, I begin my day with deep meditative breaths, sometimes circular breaths, pulling breath into naval exhaling out of mouth or sometime I practice exhale from left nostra and inhale from right nostra for more intuitive meditation. I visualize my day. I order its direction. I project the result of my day. This action takes daily training. I believe that one must not get distract by others. Most of the time, one must be the calmness in the storm. This mental calmness and control propels you above the noise and disharmony. I like to think that I am setting an example for humanity. Mental balance is harmony. Sometime, this harmony could be conflict, but it is how we individually deals with the conflict determine how well we seek mental balance throughout the day. Each of us has the capability of persistent mental change, but only a few of us has the courage to do so. I seek the way.

I believe that my physical form is also transforming at a study and persistent rate. Everyday, I cultivate my Qi by practicing some from of yin and yang movements. For example, if I have a busy day. I will do circling movements for ten minutes along with deep breaths. Every other day, I practice one third of Long Yang Form of Ti Chi. At least, once a week, I enjoy inline skating around the neighborhood with my daughter. While I am training, I am cultivating my physical Qi. Each of us has the capability of persistent physical change, but only a few of us has the courage to do so. I know if my body is out of balance than my whole system will some become unbalance, so I make sure that I pay attention to taking care of by physical body. I seek the way.

I believe that my emotional form is also transforming at a study and persistent rate. Emotionally, I am transforming. I know if I am emotionally paralyzed, illness will soon follow. The way I see things is that life is about finding solutions to problems. There will always be problems, so people must find the solutions too many problems in life whether these problems belong to them or loved ones who need help. By finding solutions to problems, people do not have the opportunity to get depressed or worried. You will become so involved in creating and that very moment will rise you about the physical rim into the spiritual rim. Thus, one becomes the creator of his own universe and circumstances. In order to experience this phenomenon, one must create something tangible. A tangible thing is the result of the intangible thing that was created in the mind. I had a little pimple, the size of a dot. I worried over it so much that it got bigger and bigger. By my intangible worry, I created the worst pimple ever. But from all that I created Eeka Bath and Body Products. I company that produce hair and skin care products. So, I turn my intangible mental stress into something tangible. I created a product that is natural and is use to help other people with pimples. I attribute all of this to how I have cultivated my mental and physical Qi.

I believe that my spiritual form is also transforming at a study and persistent rate. Spiritually, I am transforming. I am always learning. The way I see things is that life is about finding solutions to problems. By finding solutions to problems, one does not have the opportunity to get depressed or worry about the problem. One become so involve in creating and that very moment one rises his own exist about the physical rim into the spiritual rim. One becomes the creator of his own universe and circumstances. In order to experience this phenomenon, one must create something tangible. A tangible thing is the result of the intangible thing that was created in the mind. I had a little pimple, the size of a dot. I worried over it so much that it got bigger and bigger. By my intangible worry, I created the worst pimple ever. But from all that I created Eeka Bath and Body Products. I company that produces hair and skin care products. So, I turn my intangible mental stress into something more tangible than I could have dreamt. I attribute all of this to how I cultivate my mental and physical Qi.

I am thankful for all that I give and receive.