Sunday, January 24, 2010


The cyclic interaction within the body mirrors that of the Five Phases in greater nature. In the practice of Chinese Medicine they are used in diagnosis and treatment.

Metal - Lung/Large intestine - represents autumn, decline but also substance, strength and structure. The color is white, the flavor pungent and the negative emotions are grief and sadness; positive courage, dignity, appropriateness.

Water - Kidney/Urinary bladder. The associated season is Winter when nature is at rest before starting another cycle of growth. The color is black or dark blue, the flavor is salty and the emotion fear or fright, which through the chi energy transformation becomes alert stillness and gentleness.

Wood - Liver/Gall Bladder - is associated with spring and activity, constantly growing and rapidly changing. The color is green, the flavor sour and the negative emotions, when Chi is not flowing naturally, are anger, resentment, jealousy; positive are kindness, forgiveness and assertiveness.

Fire - Heart/Small Intestine and Pericardium/Triple Warmer - is associated with summer. It represents a function which has reached its maximum stage before it begins to decline - Fire is dynamic and moving, brilliant in its activity. The color is red, the flavor bitter and the negative emotions are hate, impatience; when transformed they are love, joy, gratitude, creative enthusiasm, honor, etc.

Earth - Spleen-Pancreas/Stomach - is associated with the harvest time. It is the patient and nourishing mediator, it represents balance and neutrality. The color is yellow, the flavor bland or sweet and the negative emotions are worry and over thinking; positive are fairness and openness - and singing is associated with the free flow of spleen Chi.

The Five Phases correspond to each other through nourishing and controlling cycles. Metal nourishes Water, Water nourishes Wood, Wood nourishes Fire, Fire nourishes Earth, Earth nourishes Metal.

In the controlling or destructing cycle, Metal shapes Wood, Water quells Fire, Wood controls Earth, Fire forms Metal and Earth controls Water. Each element within the phases relates to the functioning and chi energy transformation of the internal organs. It promotes the following element and controls the element across the cycle. The insulting cycle is opposite the controlling or destructing cylce, Metal acts on Wood, Fire acts on Water, Earth acts on Wood, Metal acts on Water, Water acts on Fire.

However, if the organ function is unbalanced, that organ, not being able to complete the chi energy transformation within the natural meridian circuit, may act adversely across the cycle.
For instance, if Chi within the heart is unbalanced it may overact on the lung (since fire controls metal) causing congestion. This results in lack of oxygen, which can lead to a congestive heart failure.
The law for nourishment and control is an important consideration in any treatment plan. “In order to bring the body into harmony one observes and keeps constant the standard of the Five Phases of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal.” - Neijing.

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